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Seeking Help Designing an Earthworks Project Using Kubla Cubed



I am a mapping professional from the west coast of Canada. I’m currently working on a project for a farmer, designing cranberry bogs for his farm. The site has been mapped by drone and the layout for the farm designed. The proposed bogs are surrounded by berms and irrigation canals. There are also haul and perimeter roads. 

I have some experience using Kubla Cubed for other, more simpler projects. This one however is a little bit beyond my ability. What I need is help with adding the proposed earthwork features (berms, canals, roads, etc.). I have laid out the locations of all of these features on a plan and have imported and georeferenced this plan in Kubla Cubed. See attached screenshot.

I am seeking a professional to help me with this project. This person can either provide me with some guidance, or develop the design themselves. Either way I am happy to pay this person for their time.

If this is something of interest please let me know. The deadline for this project is fast approaching and I would like to get going on it quickly.



Hi Pano,

Best of luck finding someone to help with this.

I just wanted to say that we (Kubla) pride ourselves on our support.  If you do decide to tackle this yourself just get in touch with us with anything you are stuck on, or post questions on this forum and we'll get back to you.



Consulting with education assignment help experts might be a great way to get advice when constructing an earthworks project using Kubla Cubed. These experts provide advice based on the specifications of your project, guaranteeing comprehension and skill with the software and its use. With their experience, you may confidently accomplish your project's objectives and successfully navigate challenging design procedures.

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