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Introduce yourself. Who is from where?


(08-05-2019, 10:29 AM)Bushman Wrote: Most forums I meander have a "say hello" section for new members.

I signed up for a Kubla license a week or so ago and since I am now 'the new guy', thought it best to say hello.

Perhaps also find people in my area who use Kubla.....

I am from South Africa and now live in Perth, Australia.
Use to draw pretty houses for a living, then moved countries and did earthwork estimation for a couple of years. Now have a small metal fabrication business and again do earthwork estimation on the side after hours.

G'day mates

Hi Bushman

I chatted to you over the phone the other day about your project.

Metal fabrication and earthworks estimation, now that is a unusual mix of expertise.  When you say drew pretty houses, where you creating site plans (design work) or was it more artistic drawing. Sounds interesting either way, I've seen some of the site plans for private homes that need earthworks estimation and they look like works of art in themselves.  One seemed to be done in pen and watercolour.  Amazing.  

Anyway welcome to the community.  Keep the questions coming.  It's good to answer on the forums as other people can see the knowledge.

We have done quite a few new vids recently you can check them out here : https://www.kublasoftware.com/videos/kub...ed/2019-2/



Messages In This Thread
RE: Introduce yourself. Who is from where? - by Ted Woods - 08-08-2019, 02:46 PM

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