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Feature Request - Prompt after phase deletion


(08-17-2021, 02:42 PM)marc.whitmore Wrote: I like how after deleting an element the program asks if you are sure if you want to delete it.

However when deleting a phase, there is no such prompt. That could be pretty devastating if you accidentally delete a whole phase.

Hi Marc,

Deleting an element is easily done with an accidental slip of the mouse to a generic delete button, so a message to confirm is important here. In contrast for phases, the user has to click on a specific phase, move their mouse to a delete option that exists for that phase only, then click again to delete.

Confirming every delete action slows users down, although this must be weighed against interface consistency and the action’s significance... after careful consideration, your suggestion has been added to our development roadmap.

Thanks for your suggestion.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Feature Request - Prompt after phase deletion - by Rich Howes - 08-18-2021, 09:42 AM

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