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Proposed not working?


Hi Will,

Welcome to the forums, from the sound of it you have a very high elevation somewhere.  Maybe in the existing levels.   However is quite hard to tell as I can't see the attachment.

You can add screenshots to your posts but it is a bit tricky. First, you click 'Choose files', select the file and click 'Add Attachment', 
then there is an option next to the attachment to 'Insert into Post' 

However, you may prefer to e-mail your .kcp file because we can usually see what the problem is immediately and provide a quick response.

Many thanks, 

Messages In This Thread
Proposed not working? - by Ross.Will - 01-27-2023, 02:52 PM
RE: Proposed not working? - by Kate - 01-30-2023, 04:01 PM

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