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Haul Planning


Is there a way to get center of mass locations for cut and fill to support haul planning?


(06-18-2024, 06:20 PM)jhildreth Wrote: Is there a way to get center of mass locations for cut and fill to support haul planning?
Yes, you can calculate the center of mass (CoM) for cut and fill operations to support haul planning. Here's how:
  1. Create a 3D model of the terrain and design surface using software like Civil 3D.
  2. Calculate cut and fill volumes by comparing the existing surface to the design surface.
  3. Find the CoM by calculating the centroid of each cut and fill area using weighted averages of the coordinates (X, Y, Z) and volume.
  4. Plan haul routes using the CoM locations to optimize material movement and equipment usage.
Specialized software like Civil 3D or Trimble Business Center can help automate this process.

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